Currently Looking for Donations!
Main photo credit: Alexandra Foley-Eby
Donations from Feline friends |
Has your feline friend gifted you with a lovely, pre-killed, just for you, animal? Whether it's a bird or small rodent that was unfortunate enough to come across your furry little hunter, you can donate the remains to the Lloyd lab. Samantha Bishop, a Masters student at the Mount Allison University, is looking to test these animals for zoonotic diseases, such as leptospirosis and borreliosis (specifically Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia bissettii).
If you would like to donate, please read the following instructions:
If you have any questions about this project or on how to donate, please feel free to send and email to [email protected]. |
Donations from Hunters |
If you have recently hunted a wild animal in the province of New Brunswick, the Lloyd lab is eagerly looking for donations of small chunks of meat! This can be from any animal, including but not limited to Deer, Moose, Bear, Grouse, etc., and ideally from the tongue, liver, and/or kidney. Samantha Bishop, a Masters student at the Mount Allison University, is looking to test these animals for zoonotic diseases, such as leptospirosis and borreliosis (specifically Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia bissettii).
If you would like to donate, please read the following instructions:
If you have any questions about this project or on how to donate, please feel free to send and email to [email protected]. |